Events & Programs Overview

Signature Events

December 5, 2024 
The Cable Center

Join us to celebrate Colorado Technology Association’s 30th anniversary! We’ll gather at the Cable Center for an evening of networking and celebration. Don’t miss this recognition of our organization’s founders, volunteers, sponsors, members and more!

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February 20, 2025
Grand Hyatt Denver

For the fourth year in a row, we’re bringing you two great events wrapped up in one epic conference shining a spotlight on Colorado tech! Join us for this year’s Colorado Tech Summit, and you’ll also get to cheer on this year’s APEX Award winners at our Awards Luncheon as part of the event!

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C-Level @ A Mile High Programs

May 21, 2025
Empower Field

C-Level @ A Mile High is where strong relationships begin and tech business gets done. C-Level is CTA’s largest fundraiser helping us to carry out our mission of fueling Colorado’s economy through technology.

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September 2025 – Date and Location TBA 

The Women in Tech (WIT) Conference celebrates women across technology. Attendees enjoyed a full day of direct access to executive-level female-identifying tech and community leaders from all corners of Colorado tech and beyond. Participants heard from a variety of dynamic speakers and engaged in meaningful discourse on technology trends, leadership, and the opportunities and challenges facing women building a career in tech. Join us in 2024!

Fall 2025
The Cable Center

SheTech is a one-day event for 9th and 10th grade female students featuring workshop activities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) with professionals from a variety of backgrounds and industries. Industry members are invited to showcase their company by hosting an immersive Tech Workshop or TechZone Activity during the event.

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Locations Vary

Member happy hours bring together our network in a casual, intimate setting with curated conversations to connect and build relationships with fellow CTA members and the CTA team. New to CTA? Join us for a short member orientation prior to the happy hour, during which you’ll get the opportunity to meet the CTA team and connect with fellow members! For more information, please contact

March 18, 2025
Colorado State Capitol

Tech Day at the Capitol is an event for tech companies in Colorado to represent the state’s tech industry and connect with policy makers to educate and inform them on your company or organization and the role you play in the overall Colorado tech ecosystem. Receive the latest updates and showcase your company and technology to our state leaders. For more information, please contact Megan Sparks at

Locations Vary

The Insights Series explores the latest emerging technologies and features a deep dive into tech topics. Each event features an expert analyst and diverse expert panel. 2023 topics included, “Ethical AI | What Does It Mean and Why is it Important?”; “AI – What’s Real, What’s Noise, and How to Know the Difference”; “Transforming the Customer Experience through Data Democrotization”; and “Digital Inclusion | Bridging the Digital Divde.” For more information, please contact Megan Sparks at


Launched by our Women in Tech CO Council, our Womenar series are bi-monthly webinars that aim to identify and understand the issues facing women in technology and leadership positions. We invite both men and women to engage in these bi-monthly programs. For more information, please contact Cori D’Onofrio at

YoPro Bi-Annual Events

Launched by our Young Professionals Board, our YoPro Quarterly Events bring together young professionals from across the Colorado Tech community for a mixture of networking, professional development and volunteer opportunities. For more information, please contact Megan Sparks at

Committees + Councils


Tech Talent Denver is an industry-led council that serves to support, educate and train a viable technology sector workforce by acting as a voice for the tech industry, collaborating with community and regional partners and advocating for the development of a strong technology workforce through outreach and regional collaboration opportunities. Tech company executives, hiring managers and HR representatives are welcome, as our public partners focused on education and workforce development for the technology community. For more information, please contact Deidra Smith at


Bridging and informing industry and government to drive smart policy that fosters and protects a thriving, innovative technology climate. The Tech Affairs Council is a bi-monthly meeting of CTA members coming together to discuss policy and regulatory issues impacting the Colorado tech community. Each meeting features an update on relevant issues and a presentation from stakeholders in the tech policy community. For more information, please contact Megan Sparks at


CTA’s Women in Tech Colorado Council is a group of leaders that are dedicated to supporting women in the Colorado tech industry, growing the number of women in tech and creating a more inclusive tech community overall. Only Premier Corporate members are eligible to participate in WIT-CO. For more information, please contact Megan Sparks at



The CTA Young Professionals (YoPro) Board supports and creates programming for young professionals in the tech industry and is focused on developing the next generation of leaders as they navigate their careers and businesses. Through professional development and social opportunities this advisory group contributes to the fulfillment of CTA’s mission to advance Colorado’s tech ecosystem through talent, advocacy, economic development and community. For more information, please contact Megan Sparks at